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Marketing & Public Relations

We Leverage Your Expertise to Win You

More Sales

Expert marketing and PR services for B2B professional services & manufacturers

Simply Put, Our Clients See

More Leads & Sales Team Success

Separate your company from competitors with sharper, more readable marketing copy, website, sales info and more. It pays off in real ROI and biz wins.

More Wins on Competitive Bids

Simply, our clients get more contracts and deals secured (even if priced higher) with targeted, engaging, 

convincing presentations and proposals.

Clients & Employees 

We write and get influential articles published in all kinds of media your customers read and get influenced by. You'll also see your reputation and company morale soar.

High Visibility & Enhanced Reputation

Gain a unique advantage over your competition with higher rankings in internet searches, and ever-growing industry awareness, status, and sales pitch advantages.

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Fulcrum was the difference in landing our biggest deal yet ($14M) with a targeted intro that impressed the client and blew away competing RFP's. 


Steve Jackson, Co-Founder & President

Our Expertise


We develop, write and place articles that are a huge advantage for  generating leads and closing deals. We talk to industry media to earn you coverage and interviews, and advise on key messages and PR strategy, including events and promotions.


Expert advice and top-notch writing services to make your client contacts & employee communications flawlessly professional. We'll make sure your marketing and sales copy is better and more convincing than any others in your market. 


Consulting services (and yes, implementation too) on innovative marketing strategies. We know the latest tools to develop cold email campaigns, fill the sales funnel, and get you get higher results in online search rankings too.

THe Point


B2B Expertise  |  Who We Are  |  How We Work

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