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Business-winning Custom Propoals

Fulcrum has earned tremendous success for partners with our specialized, strategic approach to new-client pitches, proposals, and biz dev communications

The Opportunity

One of the primary reasons we launched Fulcrum with a focus on services for B2B companies and professional service firms is that, as a general rule, there are huge opportunities for those companies to stand out from their competition and win far more business simply by looking and sounding better than their industry at large.

In many cases, the proposals going out for vitally important business objectives are stale, unimpressive, and come off like pretty much every other player in the industry. Too many companies are not making an impression, standing out from the crowd, or representing why you should choose them when it comes to proposals, client materials, sales team communications with prospects, and much more.



We strategically evaluate and produce content - supported by better layouts and use of graphics, color, and engaging photos - that makes our partners' key documents and proposals make an impact in a pile of other competing sales documents or RFP's. We also research the potential client or sales target, then craft the materials to specifically speak to their needs and reflect their values and corporate culture.


Your company, products or services come across in their very best light, and with sharp, clear, engaging copy writing we can clearly answer every question and overcome mental objections -- landing the sale and securing confidence and long-term business.

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Snapshot of Client Success:

PermaCold Engineering had a lead on an exciting job worth $14M-plus, with what would be their largest client and piece of business in company history.  While pitching to win, they knew they faced tough odds.

As a retainer client of Fulcrum, they asked for our help in getting to the top of the pile. We created a convincing, colorful opening presentation to "lead-in" for the otherwise typical numbers & specs proposal. This included an online digital version, reinforcing the prospect's perception of PermaCold's technical expertise.

The result: the CEO of the billion-dollar company personally flew in to meet the PermaCold team, since "that's what I do when I'm welcoming a long-term partner."  

PermaCold found it so successful, we created a similar 'all purpose' company introduction to complement future proposals and as a nifty company introduction for sales.

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