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Experience Matters

Creativity, industry knowledge, and proven results for clients

Who We


Working seamlessly with clients across the country, the Fulcrum team is a networked group of creative, savvy professionals with decades of proven experience providing PR, copywriting, content, and marketing strategies. We specialize in services tailored for service firms & providers, B2B companies, manufacturers, and industry-specific organizations.   


We may not be a "big-shot agency", but we'll go toe-to-toe with them on results every time. We offer large-agency capabilities, effectiveness, and results, but with a scrappy, small-shop enthusiasm, creativity, and focus on our clients.


And unlike those agencies, your company won't be handed off to some junior PR executive -- we're too proud of our award-winning work and reputation for results. Results you can only get from hard-won experience and talent.


Our professional affiliations include the Public Relations Society of America [PRSA], and the International Association of Business Communicators [IABC]


PRSA Award of Excellence: Ongoing Communications Programs


PRSA Spotlight Award: Promotional Publicity


IABC Award of Excellence:

Internal Communications


​IABC Merit Award:

External Communications Program

(Mouse Over to View)

  • We never accept a new client that competes, or may compete, with an existing partner.


  • We are committed to the highest ethical PR standards, SEO tactics, and authentic content.


  • We work to ensure our value is proven and will strive for maximum ROI for clients, every day.



Our Expert Approach

Whether an active & ongoing retainer-based program or a one-time project, we always start by diving down to understand your company's focus, customers, industry & competition, and strategic goals. Then the fun starts – brainstorming creative tactics to stand out and achieve optimal results, driving the strategic planning that follows.


We collaborate with clients to determine the tactics and customer messages that will resonate. We then ensure all elements – PR, marketing copy, article topics and more – integrate with and reinforce each other at a true "marketing fulcrum point" to maximize their impact, reach, and earned media ROI.


Our integrated communications approach means we constantly evaluate strategies, fine-tune the messages, and explore new PR and marketing ideas and options. Just like your own business, we'll always be working to grow, evolve, and improve your results.


Click to see a popup  box listing current & previous clients we've partnered with

(boredom warning: there's a lot)

How We Operate

The Fulcrum Group is set up to maximize our capabilities and national reach while reducing hard costs most agencies happily pass on to clients. Our agency team is composed of professionals across the U.S. who work together virtually. Our own "fulcrum point" is our leadership team based at our brick & mortar office in beautiful downtown Portland.


This enables us to better work with clients and media across the U.S. and to ensure we can ramp up quickly for new clients or to bring in specific industry expertise. Unlike traditional agencies, we're never going to let your results slide due to overworked staff or not enough resources, and all of our team members boast at least 10+ years of professional experience.

Our banking industry firm had an expensive service that needed explaining. Fulcrum got high-impact articles into key industry pubs that proved our value and speaking engagements that won six-figure sales by getting us right in front of potential clients.

Josh Roth, former VP of Marketing

DMA, Inc. [now Baker Hill]





We work with clients in two ways: ongoing programs based on a set monthly retainer, and individual projects such as a product or service launch, new website or graphic design project, or one-time promotional PR campaign.


Our retainers are based on the scope of a client's business and strategic marketing goals, and allow us to put in as much time as necessary to accomplish campaign objectives regardless of any 'allotted hours' that other agencies won't work past. Or worse, bill out to clients by the quarter-hour.


While we cost far less than more showy, consumer-focused agencies, we are sensitive to the fact that marketing dollars are always tight. Get in touch with us to discuss your goals and budget, and we'll work to find the best way to  affordably partner with you while still paying your company back in a big way with increased marketing success.

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